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ESD Test & Measurement Instruments & Eliminators

Surface Resistivity Meter Z203

This is an ultra wide-range, battery operated, portable instrument for measuring Surface Resistivity of virtually any flat surface. In the circuit industry, products such as packaging materials, component storage bags and trays, work bench surfaces, table and floor mats, conveyor belts, etc., have resistance values which need to conform to stringent specifications. Moreover, these values are expected to fall within specified limits. The Surface Resistivity meter can play a vital role in monitoring and checking the resistivity characteristic of the above items.

It also has unique additional feature of surface-to-ground measurement capability wherein the resistivity differential between any surface and any chosen ground can be determined.

The surface resistivity is conveniently indicated by a row of LEDs covering a total of 10 decades from 10^3 to 10^13 ohms/square.
